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Economics: Books

Can't find a book on the shelf? Look online. Of the different eBook platforms the library subscribes to, these make available business and economics titles:

Oxford Scholarship Online

Search by subject (e.g. economics and finance) and turn on the show abstracts function.

ProQuest Ebook Central

Provides access to tens of thousands of books from scholarly, trade and university presses. Titles available were published between the late 1990s to newly published materials. Most titles allow unlimited simultaneous users but some can only be used by one reader at a time.

Scholars Portal Books

Search and read tens of thousands of books from scholarly presses, Canadian presses and governmental organizations. Click on "full text" to access the books Laurier has purchased or licensed.

University Press Scholarship Online

A growing collection of eBooks from multiple scholarly publishers, including Oxford University Press, Edinburgh University Press and Fordham University Press. To search full text, use "Advanced Search." Also search by author, title, subject, publication date.

Springer Books via Springerlink

More than 12,000 titles in all subject areas from 2005 to 2010, with an additional 5,000 books from earlier years.

Page Owner: Yanli Li

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