Youth and Children's Studies: Introduction
Resources: Start Here
Youth and Children's Studies @ EBSCOhost
Selected EBSCOhost databases for youth and children's studies.
Youth and Children's Studies @ ProQuest
Selected ProQuest databases for youth and children's studies.
Resources: Main
Education Source
Scholarly research and information relating to all areas of education.
ERIC (via ProQuest)
Alternate titles include: Educational Resources Information Center (via ProQuest); Resources in Education (via ProQuest); RIE (via ProQuest); Current Index to Journals in Education (via ProQuest); CIJE (via ProQuest)
Index with education related literature. Includes links to full text on the free version of ERIC.
APA PsycInfo®
A comprehensive database for the field of psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines.
Resources: Also Useful
Communication & Mass Media Complete
Includes several hundred journals. Can limit to scholarly titles.
Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database
Provides access to Canadian journals, magazines and news resources on all topics.