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Data and Statistics: Canadian Microdata

Access Statistics Canada, public opinion polling, and election data

Laurier has extensive library of socioeconomic microdata from Statistics Canada and several major Canadian polling firms, in our ODESI repository. MIcrodata in ODESI is organized by theme, e.g., Health, Labour, Education, Consumer Spending, Census, and Polling Data.

Consumer Surveys and Household Financial Wellbeing
  • Survey of Household Spending
    • The SHS collects detailed information about household spending, as well as limited information on dwelling characteristics and household equipment.
    • Access microdata and user guide through ODESI
  • Survey of Financial Security
    • The Survey of Financial Security (SFS) collects information from a sample of Canadian households on their assets, debts, employment, income and education. The SFS provides a comprehensive picture of the financial health of Canadians. Information is collected on the value of all major financial and non-financial assets and on the money owing on mortgages, vehicles, credit cards, student loans and other debts.
    • Access microdata and user guide through ODESI
Labour and Employment Surveys

Notable Surveys

  • Labour Force Survey (1976-)
    • The Labour Force Survey (LFS) is a monthly survey which measures the current state of the Canadian labour market and is used to calculate employment and unemployment rates. Survey results are used to make important decisions regarding job creation, education and training, retirement pensions and income support.
    • Access microdata and user guide through ODESI
  • Canadian Income Survey (2012-)
    • The Canadian Income Survey (CIS) is a cross-sectional survey developed to provide a portrait of the income and income sources of Canadians, with their individual and household characteristics. The CIS replaced the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID)
    • Access microdata and user guide through ODESI
Health Surveys

Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)

Analyzes the performance of Canada's health system, e.g., wait times, quality of care, outcomes Note: Please contact Laurier's Data Librarian to access to CIHI's Discharge Access Database

Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)

Surveillance Uses administrative data to analyze incidence, prevalence, and outcomes of chronic conditions and disease in Canada

Canadian Index of Wellbeing (CIW)

Tracks Canadians' quality of life in 8 different domains

The Source for Women's Health

Identifies and tracks sources of women's health data, reports, and reviews

Notable Surveys

Canadian Community Health Survey

Browse all tables, search within CANSIM and access microdata and user guide through ODESI

Aboriginal Peoples Survey

Access microdata and user guide through ODESI

Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey

Access microdata and user guide through ODESI

Canadian Alcohol and Drug Use Monitoring Survey

Access microdata and user guide through ODESI

Social Surveys and Communication
  • General Social Survey
    • The General Social Survey (GSS) gathers data on social trends in order to monitor changes in the living conditions and well-being of Canadians over time, and to provide information on specific social policy issues of current or emerging interest.
    • The GSS is a cyclical survey.  Its content general follows the following 5-year cycle:
      • Time Use
      • Victimization
      • Social Identity, Volunteering, and Social Participaton
      • Caregiving
      • Family
    • Access microdata and user guide through ODESI
  • Canadian Internet Use Survey
    • The Canadian Internet Use Survey (CIUS) gathers data on how digital technologies and the Internet are transforming society, the economy, and the everyday lives of Canadians.
      • Access microdata and user guide through ODESI
Open data

Open Data encourages greater access to government datasets. Depending on the license, users can often download datasets in raw formats and incorporate them in their own projects.

Open Data Map of Canada

A dynamic map of all government-sponsored open data sites. Zoom into your city and click the link to go to its open data site. Open Data Index

A comprehensive and regularly updated list of government and citizen-led open data initiatives

Open data from the Government of Canada

Government of Ontario Open Data

City of Waterloo Open Data

Region of Waterloo Open Data

City of Guelph Open Data

City of Hamilton Open Data

City of Toronto Open Data

Note: The cities of Kitchener, Cambridge, and Brantford, and the County of Brantford do not have open data initiatives at this time.

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