Electronic collections and databases, searchable.
Indigenous Peoples of North America
Collection of primary source documents on the Indigenous peoples of North America.
Industry Canada
Reports, statistics and other government publications on business and technology topics.
Industry Norms & Key Business Ratios, 2011 edition (via CHASS)
Contains industry norms, starting in 2000, with twice yearly updates (Spring & Fall).
Academic and professional journals in various subject areas by various publishers.
Comprehensive access to the literature in physics, computing, engineering, and information technology.
Index to plays in books & periodicals.
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)‎
Index for social science topics such as anthropology, economics, political science and sociology.
International Encyclopedia of Dance
Full-text articles on the theatrical, ritual, folk, traditional, ethnic, and social aspects of dance.
International Encyclopedia of Linguistics
Full-text articles focussing on interdisciplinary aspects of linguistics. Published 2003.
International Financial Statistics (IFS)
Financial data about the member countries in the IMF available in tables or through queries.
International Political Science Abstracts
Index to articles in journals and yearbooks.
International Public Policy @ EBSCOhost
Selected EBSCOhost databases for International Public Policy.
International Public Policy @ ProQuest
Selected ProQuest databases for International Public Policy.
Internet Archive: eBooks and Texts
A collection of more than 20 million freely available books and texts.
Internet Archive: Moving Image Archive
Thousands of videos ranging from classic full-length movies, to daily alternative news broadcasts, to user-uploaded videos of every genre.
Investext (via Mergent Online)
Full-text database of investment research reports.
Journal platform for the Institute of Physics.
IPA Source
A collection of International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcriptions & literal translations of aria and art song texts.
Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Interdisciplinary bibliography of scholarly research on the period from 400 to 1700.
John Benjamins e-Platform
Platform for journals, books, series and other resources publishing by John Benjamins.
Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism
Full-text encyclopedia with entries for critics, theorists, schools and movements.
Journal Citation Reports
Research tool, developed by ISI, to show the relative importance of journals within subject categories. Includes impact factors.
A video journal publishing experimental techniques in a visual format with detailed text protocols.
Current and back issues of journals in arts and sciences.
Keesing's World News Archives
Summaries of world events from more than 1,000 daily news reports.
Key Business Ratios
Industry benchmarking data for public and private companies.
L'Année Philologique
Annual international bibliography of studies on ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.
Latino Literature: Poetry, Drama, and Fiction
Full-text poetry, prose and drama by writers in the U.S.
LearnTechLib : The Learning and Technology Library
Platform with content and tools to support research and education about learning and technology.
Legal Information @ EBSCOhost
Selected EBSCOhost databases for legal information.