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ABI/INFORM databases see ProQuest One Business
Accounting & Tax Database see ProQuest One Business
Asian & European Business Collection see ProQuest One Business
Banking Information Database see ProQuest One Business
BSC see Business Source Complete
Business Premium Collection see ProQuest One Business
Business Source Complete Includes scholarly journals, books, case studies, marketing research and other business and economics material. View full description
Datamonitor 360 see MarketLine: Advantage
Entrepreneurship‎ Database see ProQuest One Business
Euromonitor see Passport
Europa World Contains political and economic information and selected data on countries and organizations worldwide. View full description
Europa World Year Book see Europa World
EWYB see Europa World
Factiva A full-text resource with news, business information and journal articles drawn from almost 9000 worldwide sources, including Globe and Mail, Toronto Star and the KW Record. View full description
FISonline see Mergent Online
Global Market Information Database see Passport
GMID see Passport
Harvard Business Review see Business Source Complete
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) see ProQuest One Business
Lexis Nexis Academic see Nexis Uni
LexisNexis Academic see Nexis Uni
LNA see Nexis Uni
MarketLine: Advantage A collection of company, industry and country information, including over 200 countries and major industry sectors. View full description
Mergent Online Provides business and financial information on more than 10,000 public companies around the world. Includes Investext. View full description
Nexis Uni Full-text documents for international news, business, legal research, and key people in the news. View full description
Passport Euromonitor's market research data for countries and companies. View full description
Political Risk Yearbook Country reports with political and economic information. View full description
ProQuest Business Collection see ProQuest One Business
ProQuest One Business Search tool for business and management publications. View full description
The World Factbook Information on countries of the world prepared by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. View full description
World Factbook, The see The World Factbook

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Last Updated: October 18, 2022 3:59pm