Electronic collections and databases, searchable.
Business Source Complete
Includes scholarly journals, books, case studies, marketing research and other business and economics material.
Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database
Provides access to Canadian journals, magazines and news resources on all topics.
Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database: Business
Index for scholarly, professional and popular literature on Canadian business, finance and economics.
Index for Canadian academic journals and popular magazines
The US Security and Exchange Commission’s database of public company information
Encyclopedia of Global Brands
Origins, marketing, development and the future of well-known brands.
A full-text resource with news, business information and journal articles drawn from almost 9000 worldwide sources, including Globe and Mail, Toronto Star and the KW Record.
Investext (via Mergent Online)
Full-text database of investment research reports.
MarketLine: Advantage
A collection of company, industry and country information, including over 200 countries and major industry sectors.
Mergent Online
Provides business and financial information on more than 10,000 public companies around the world. Includes Investext.
Nexis Uni
Full-text documents for international news, business, legal research, and key people in the news.
Euromonitor's market research data for countries and companies.
Company information data and analytical tools.
ProQuest Historical Annual Reports
Full-text company reports.
ProQuest One Business
Search tool for business and management publications.
Scott's Directories
Directory of Canadian companies with contact and basic business information. Please "LOG OUT" when you're finished.
Securities filed electronically with the Canadian Securities Administrators.
Search directory by product or company for U.S. and Canadian information.