Sociology: Statistics
Also see the Library's Data and Statistics page for a complete listing of statistics-related resources.
Resource |
Description |
Statistics Canada | Discover resources, news, and research from Canada's national statistical agency |
<odesi> | The Library's searchable repository of microdata from StatCan surveys and Canadian polling data. Create your own tables, or expect data into SPSS, SAS, and Stata |
Campaign results, voter turnout, and campaign finance information. Click on Resource Centre for reports and publications |
Juristat |
Juristat is Statistics Canada’s annual publication for crime and justice statistics, such as homicide rates and violent crime rates by region. See topics by browsing by Chronological Index in the left-hand menu |
Uses administrative data to analyze incidence, prevalence, and outcomes of chronic conditions and disease in Canada |
Identifies and tracks sources of women's health data, reports, and reviews |
Statistics and analysis on the Canadian health care system | |
Measures the social well-being of Canadians | |
Develop basic socio-economic profiles for communities in Canada |