Music Therapy: Research guides Expand All + Collapse All - Selected resources Applied musicology: using zygonic theory to inform music education, therapy, and psychology research Oxford University Press, 2013 Counseling and therapy in video Videos concerning social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling. Handbook of music and emotion: theory, research, applications, by Juslin, Patrik N.; Sloboda, John A. Oxford Universitiy Press, 2010. Print location. Music, health and wellbeing, by MacDonald, Raymond; Kreutz,Gunter, and Mitchell, Laura Oxford University Press, 2012 Music therapy research, by Wheeler, Barbara L. Barcelona Publishers, 2005. Print location. Oxford handbook of music psychology, by Hallam, Susan.; Cross, Ian.; Thaut, Michael Oxford University Press, 2009. Print location. Oxford handbook of music therapy, by Jane Edwards Oxford University Press, 2016. Print location.