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Mathematics: Websites

Applied mathematics, in partnership with computational science, is essential in solving many real-world problems. Our mission is to build cooperation between mathematics and the worlds of science and technology through our publications, research, and community.

Historical Math Monographs (Cornell University Library)

A collection of selected monographs with expired copyrights chosen from the mathematics field. The original documents were brittle and decaying and in need of rescue; so they were digitally scanned. The database is fully searchable and includes two other historical math collections.

Intute Mathematics Gateway

Math Forum

Produced by Drexel Univeristy this site is designed to enrich and support mathematics education.


A comprehensive and interactive encyclopedia dedicated to mathematics and intended for students, faculty, and researchers.

PRIME - the Platonic Realms Interactive Mathematics Encyclopedia

"is a public resource maintained by and for the entire community of mathematics students, educators and researchers."

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Scirus: For Scientific Information Only.

Scirus is a science-specific search engine which examines over 167 million sicence related Web pages.

Sloane's On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences

A searchable database providing identification to integer sequences. Check out the section entitled "New users see."

Topology Atlas

Publishes information related to topology. The website attempts to be a comprehensive on-line resource for mathematicians interested in topology.

Web Pages that Perform Statistical Calculations

"The web pages listed here comprise a powerful, conveniently-accessible, multi-platform statistical software package. There are also links to online statistics books, tutorials, downloadable software, and related resources."

Page Owner: Joanna Blair

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