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OPHEA Safety Guidelines see Ophea : Ontario Physical Activity Standards in Education
Ophea: H&PE Elementary Resources see H&PE Elementary Resources
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development resources see OECD iLibrary
Our Ontario: Newspapers Over 200 years of community newspapers from across Ontario. View full description
Oxford Bibliographies A collection of core resources in a variety of subjects. Selected by experts. View full description
Oxford Bibliographies Online see Oxford Bibliographies
Oxford Bibliographies: Anthropology see Anthropology - Oxford Bibliographies
Oxford Bibliographies: Biblical Studies see Biblical Studies - Oxford Bibliographies
Oxford Bibliographies: Ecology see Ecology - Oxford Bibliographies
Oxford Bibliographies: Education see Education - Oxford Bibliographies
Oxford Bibliographies: Environmental Science see Environmental Science - Oxford Bibliographies
Oxford Bibliographies: Evolutionary Biology see Evolutionary Biology - Oxford Bibliographies
Oxford Bibliographies: Geography see Geography - Oxford Bibliographies
Oxford Bibliographies: Medieval Studies see Medieval Studies - Oxford Bibliographies
Oxford Bibliographies: Music see Music - Oxford Bibliographies
Oxford Bibliographies: Philosophy see Philosophy - Oxford Bibliographies
Oxford Bibliographies: Psychology see Psychology - Oxford Bibliographies
Oxford Bibliographies: Renaissance and Reformation see Renaissance and Reformation - Oxford Bibliographies
Oxford Bibliographies: Social Work see Social Work - Oxford Bibliographies
Oxford Bibliographies: Sociology see Sociology - Oxford Bibliographies
Oxford Companion to Music see Oxford Music Online
Oxford Dictionary of Music see Oxford Music Online
Oxford Music Online Broad reference source (including Grove Music) for information and access to literature related to music. View full description see Hansard Online
Periodicals, Directory of see MLA Directory of Periodicals (via EBSCOhost)
Philosophy - Oxford Bibliographies A collection of core resources in philosophy. Selected by experts. View full description
PhilPapers A directory of online philosophical articles and books by academic philosophers View full description
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global International database with full text and/or abstracts for doctoral dissertations and selected master's theses. View full description
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses UK & Ireland see ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
Psychology - Oxford Bibliographies A collection of core resources in psychology. Selected by experts. View full description
PubChem A public chemistry database for chemical and physical properties, biological activities, safety data and toxicity information, literature citations and patents. View full description
Quicklaw see Lexis Advance Quicklaw
Renaissance and Reformation - Oxford Bibliographies A collection of core resources in Renaissance and Reformation. Selected by experts. View full description
Scholarly Analytics, Cabells see Cabells : Journalytics Academic
SciELO Citation Index see Web of Science
Science Citation Index Expanded see Web of Science Core Collection
Scientific style and format, 8th edition Standard style and format practices in science as revised by the Council of Science Editors. View full description
SciFinderⁿ Journal articles and other materials on chemical substances, reactions or topics. View full description
SensusAccess Self-service tool to convert documents in a more accessible format. View full description
Social Sciences Citation Index see Web of Science Core Collection
Social Work - Oxford Bibliographies A collection of core resources in social work. Selected by experts. View full description
Sociology - Oxford Bibliographies A collection of core resources in sociology. Selected by experts. View full description
SourceOECD see OECD iLibrary
Tax Cases, Dominion (Current and Archive) see CCH AnswerConnect
Tax Guide, Canada Income see CCH AnswerConnect
Tax Planning for Small Business see CCH AnswerConnect
Tests in Print see Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print
The Big Guide to Living and Working Overseas see MyWorldAbroad
The Charleston Advisor see Charleston Advisor, The
The Conference Board of Canada Research reports on public policy, economics and management. View full description

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Last Updated: October 18, 2022 3:59pm