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TSX eReview see Toronto Stock Exchange : eReview
TSX Venture Exchange : eReview Newsletters on common stock and market indices. View full description
Ulrichsweb: Global Serials Directory Detailed information about international journals, magazines and other publications. View full description
UN, Access (no longer available) see Readex Access UN
UnCover see ingentaconnect
Underground and Independent Comics Contains classic underground comics from the 1960’s to now and articles about them. View full description
United Nations Official Documentation System see Official Documentation System
United Nations, Access (no longer available) see Readex Access UN
University of Oxford Press journals see Oxford Academic : Journals
USPA Permafrost Alert Program see COLD Database
VDE VERLAG Conference Proceedings see IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Virtual Health Library: LILACS see LILACS
Vogue Archive Complete archive of Vogue magazine. View full description
Water Resources Abstracts Index to articles, books and reports related to water resources. View full description
Web of Knowledge see Web of Science
Web of Knowledge: Data Citation Index see Web of Science: Data Citation Index
Web of Science Search all the databases on the Web of Science platform. View full description
Web of Science Core Collection Citation indexes for the arts & humanities, the social sciences, and the sciences. View full description
Web of Science: Data Citation Index Index for research data from various repositories in different disciplines. View full description
Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals see C19: The Nineteenth Century Index
Wiley Interscience resources see Wiley Online Library
Wiley Online Library Access to publications by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. including journals, books, databases, and lab protocols. View full description
Wiley-Blackwell resources see Wiley Online Library
Wilfrid Laurier University's Scholars Commons see Scholars Commons @ Laurier
Wilson databases (all) Search the three H. W. Wilson databases we subscribe to on the EBSCOhost platform. View full description
WilsonWeb see Wilson databases (all)
Women and Gender Studies @ ProQuest Selected ProQuest databases for Women's Studies. View full description
World Cultures Human Relations Area Files see eHRAF World Cultures
World Shakespeare Bibliography Coverage includes books, articles, reviews, audiovisual materials relating to scholarship and theatrical productions. View full description
World Shakespeare Bibliography Online see World Shakespeare Bibliography
WorldCat Records of books and other materials from libraries worldwide. Unlimited number of users may access. View full description
WorldCat (Subscription) Paid version, with added features for specialized searches. View full description
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts Citations and abstracts for publications in political science and related fields. View full description
WOS see Web of Science
WOS Core see Web of Science Core Collection
WPSA see Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
Youth and Children's Studies @ EBSCOhost Selected EBSCOhost databases for youth and children's studies. View full description
Youth and Children's Studies @ ProQuest Selected ProQuest databases for youth and children's studies. View full description
Zoological Record see Web of Science

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Last Updated: October 18, 2022 3:59pm