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Small Business Profiles see Financial Performance Data
SME Benchmarking Tool see Financial Performance Data
Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries see Music Online: Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries
Social Planning/Policy & Development Abstracts see Sociological Abstracts
Social Sciences Citation Index see Web of Science Core Collection
Social Sciences Citation Index (included in Web of Science) View full description
Social Services Abstracts Citations and abstracts focused on social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development. View full description
Social Theory Collection of articles and primary documents about the nature of social behavior and organization. View full description
Social Work - Oxford Bibliographies A collection of core resources in social work. Selected by experts. View full description
Social Work @ EBSCOhost Selected EBSCOhost databases for Social Work. View full description
Social Work @ ProQuest Selected ProQuest databases for Social Work. Suitable for general searching in social sciences and social services, education, and psychology View full description
Social Work Abstracts Citations and abstracts for articles on social work, social welfare, and related fields. View full description
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics see SIAM : Publications Library
Sociological Abstracts Comprehensive, international coverage of journal articles, books, papers, etc. in sociology and related disciplines. View full description
Sociology - Oxford Bibliographies A collection of core resources in sociology. Selected by experts. View full description
Sociology @ EBSCOhost Selected EBSCOhost databases for Sociology. View full description
Sociology @ ProQuest Selected ProQuest databases for Sociology. View full description
Sociology Collection Index and full-text databases covering sociology, social work, and related disciplines. View full description
Sociology Database Index and full text collection of literature regarding the sociology and social work. View full description
Sociology, Twenty-First Century see 21st Century Sociology
SOPODA see Sociological Abstracts
SourceOECD see OECD iLibrary
South and Southeast Asian Literature Collection of fiction and poetry written in English by authors from South and Southeast Asia. View full description
SP Dataverse see borealis: The Canadian Dataverse Repository
Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy @ EBSCOhost Selected EBSCOhost databases for Pastoral Counselling. View full description
SPORTDiscus International database with citations for materials in sports medicine, exercise physiology, physical education and related fields. View full description
Sports Medicine & Education Index Index for articles, books, etc. for sport, kinesiology and related disciplines. View full description
Springer Link Thousands of books and journals primarily in the sciences, published by Springer. View full description
SpringerReference see Springer Link
Standard and Poor's NetAdvantage see NetAdvantage
Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy Refereed dynamic open-access online encyclopedia from Stanford University. Updated continuously. View full description
Statistics Canada Electronic Publications see Index of downloadable Statistics Canada publications
T&F eBooks see Taylor & Francis Group
T&F Online see Taylor & Francis Online
Tax Cases, Dominion (Current and Archive) see CCH AnswerConnect
Tax Guide, Canada Income see CCH AnswerConnect
Tax Planning for Small Business see CCH AnswerConnect
Taylor & Francis ebooks see Taylor & Francis Group
Taylor & Francis Group Platform for electronic books published by Taylor & Francis. View full description
Taylor & Francis Online Platform for all electronic journals and reference works published by Taylor & Francis. View full description
Teacher Reference Center Index for popular teacher and administrator trade journals, periodicals and books. View full description
Tests in Print see Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print
The Big Guide to Living and Working Overseas see MyWorldAbroad
The Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology see Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology
The CASE Journal An academic journal for cases in business and management disciplines. View full description
The Charleston Advisor see Charleston Advisor, The
The Chicago Manual of Style see Chicago Manual of Style Online
The COLD Database see COLD Database
The Conference Board of Canada Research reports on public policy, economics and management. View full description
The Embassy see The Hill Times (issues)

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Last Updated: October 18, 2022 3:59pm