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Big Guide to Living and Working Overseas see MyWorldAbroad
CAS SciFinderⁿ see SciFinderⁿ
COMPUSTAT see WRDS: Wharton Research Data Services
Covidence Tool to support the production of systematic reviews. (Requires an individual account.) View full description
H&PE Curriculum Resources see H&PE Elementary Resources
H&PE Elementary Resources Lesson plans and supplemental resources concerning Ontario 2015 curriculum (grades 1-8) expectations. View full description
H&PE Secondary Resources Six interconnected but standalone components with content to support health and physical education (H&PE) teaching, for grades 9-12. View full description
Health & Physical Education Elementary Resources see H&PE Elementary Resources
Health & Physical Education Secondary Resources (Ophea) see H&PE Secondary Resources
Health and Physical Education Curriculum Resources see H&PE Elementary Resources
Health and Physical Education Curriculum Resources: Grades 1-8 see H&PE Elementary Resources
ICPSR US and international datasets in criminology, demography, economics, health, political science, and sociology. View full description
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research see ICPSR
MWA see MyWorldAbroad
My World Abroad see MyWorldAbroad
MyWorldAbroad Interactive online guide and toolkit to support working abroad. Create an account using your Laurier e-mail. View full description
OHPECR see H&PE Elementary Resources
Ophea Health and Physical Education Curriculum Resources: Grades 1-8 see H&PE Elementary Resources
Ophea: H&PE Elementary Resources see H&PE Elementary Resources
SciFinderⁿ Journal articles and other materials on chemical substances, reactions or topics. View full description
The Big Guide to Living and Working Overseas see MyWorldAbroad
Wharton Research Data Services see WRDS: Wharton Research Data Services
WRDS: Wharton Research Data Services Contains company finances as well as equity and fixed income data, and is intended for in-depth financial and accounting research. View full description

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Last Updated: October 18, 2022 3:59pm