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British Library Newspapers

Resource Overview

Alternate Title(s): Nineteenth Century British Newspapers, 19th Century British Newspapers, Gale Primary Sources : British Library Newspapers

Platform: Gale Primary Sources

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From the Gale information page, as of January 2020: British Library Newspapers, Part I: 1800–1900 is part of the British Library Newspapers series, providing researchers with the most comprehensive collection of national and regional newspapers of Victorian Britain available. This full-text, fully-searchable digital archive includes 47 papers originating in England, Scotland, and Ireland, carefully selected by an editorial board from the British Library and providing a broad yet detailed view of nineteenth-century Britain and the world. The collection is made up of daily and weekly publications and reflects Britain's growing role as a dominant power in the nineteenth-century world. Multidisciplinary in scope, newspapers in British Library Newspapers, Part I: 1800–1900 range from early tabloids like the Illustrated Police News to radical papers like the Chartist Northern Star. Other notable papers of Part I include the Morning Chronicle, with famous contributors such as Henry Mayhew and John Stewart Mill; the Graphic, publishing both illustrations and news as well as illustrated fiction; and the Examiner, the radical reformist and leading intellectual journal.

Laurier Library provides access to Part I only. (We do not provide access Parts II, III, and IV).

Resource Details


All issues from 47 national, regional and local newspapers, from the British Library holdings.

Subjects Covered:





1800 - 1900

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Gale's Electronic Product Accessibility Policy

Page Owner: Matt Thomas

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Last Updated: May 2, 2023 11:18am