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Book reviews

How to find and write reviews of a book.

How to find and write book reviews
Key book review search tools

America: History and Life 1954 to present

Covers Canadian and American history. Book reviews become numerous beginning in 1971. Search for title or author and limit document type to "Book Review."

Historical Abstracts

Covers world history (excluding Canada the the United States), 1450 to present. Book reviews become numerous beginning in the 1960s. Search for title or author and limit document type to "Book Review."


Full-text electronic journals in the humanities and social sciences. Limit to item type: "Review."

Web of Science Core Collection

Citation index for all subject areas. Change from Basic to Advanced search. Change from "All document types" to "Book Review."

WilsonWeb Databases

Book reviews start in the early 1970s. Change Document Type to "Book Review"

Additional search tools by discipline


ABI/Inform Complete

Limit search to document type "review"

Canadian studies

Bibliography of Native North Americans

Limit search to document type "book review"

CPI.Q: Canadian Periodicals Index

Limit search to document type "book review"


Limit search to document type "review"



Limit search to document type "book review"


International Index to Music Periodicals (IIMP)

Limit search to document type "book review"


Atla Religion Database

Limit search to publication type "review"



Limit search to record type "review-book"


Biological Sciences

Limit search to document type "review"

Page Owner: Joanne Oud

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