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Electronic collections and databases, searchable.


Resource Description
TRID: the TRIS and ITRD database Citations and some full text of journal articles, technical reports, and other materials for transportation studies. View full description
TRIS Online see TRID: the TRIS and ITRD database
Truth, Reconciliation & Colonialism Video playlist on the the effects of colonialism in Canada. View full description
TSE eReview see Toronto Stock Exchange : eReview
TSX CFMRC database see CFMRC/TSX Database Annual Update
TSX eReview see Toronto Stock Exchange : eReview
TSX Venture Exchange : eReview Newsletters on common stock and market indices. View full description
Twentieth Century North American Drama Full-text plays, chiefly American with some Canadian. View full description
Twenty-First Century Criminology: A Reference Handbook see 21st Century Criminology: A Reference Handbook
Twenty-First Century Sociology see 21st Century Sociology
Twenty-First Century Sociology : A Reference Handbook see 21st Century Sociology
U.K. Parliamentary Papers Digitally scanned Sessional Papers & supplementary material from Great Britain's House of Commons. (Some House of Lords papers, if presented to the House of Commons.) View full description
UK Periodicals, 19th Century see Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals
Ulrichsweb: Global Serials Directory Detailed information about international journals, magazines and other publications. View full description
UN, Access see Readex Access UN
UN-iLibrary The books, reports, and journals created by the United Nations. View full description
UnCover see ingentaconnect
UNdata Large, comprehensive statistical database covering all countries of the world. Pulls together statistics from all the major UN sources. View full description
Underground and Independent Comics Contains classic underground comics from the 1960’s to now and articles about them. View full description
United Kingdom Periodicals, 19th Century see Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals
United Nations Data see UNdata
United Nations Official Documentation System see Official Documentation System
United Nations, Access see Readex Access UN
University of Chicago Press Journals Journals published by University of Chicago Press. View full description
University of Michigan Press Ebook Collection Electronic books (ebooks) published by the University of Michigan Press. View full description
University of Oxford Press journals see Oxford Academic : Journals
University Press Scholarship Online Large ebook collection on a wide variety of topics from various university presses. View full description
University Press Scholarship Online: Philosophy Collection of ebooks on topics in philosophy. View full description
Untold Story of the Americas Before Columbus, 1491 see 1491; the Untold Story of the Americas Before Columbus
UPSO see University Press Scholarship Online
USPA Permafrost Alert Program see COLD Database
Vancouver Sun see ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Vancouver Sun
VDE VERLAG Conference Proceedings see IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Very Short Introductions Collection of introductory books on a variety of topics including arts, humanities, law, health, science, and social sciences. View full description
Virtual Health Library: LILACS see LILACS
Virtual Reference Library see GALE EBOOKS
Visual Perspectives and Narratives see The First World War
Vogue Archive Complete archive of Vogue magazine. View full description
VSI see Very Short Introductions
WASM see Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000
Water Resources Abstracts Index to articles, books and reports related to water resources. View full description
Waterloo Region Record see ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Waterloo Region Record
Weather Downloader see oikolab
Web Editions journals see ACS Publications: Advanced Search
Web of Knowledge see Web of Science
Web of Knowledge: Data Citation Index see Web of Science: Data Citation Index
Web of Science Search all the databases on the Web of Science platform. View full description
Web of Science Core Collection Citation indexes for the arts & humanities, the social sciences, and the sciences. View full description
Web of Science: Data Citation Index Index for research data from various repositories in different disciplines. View full description
Wellcome Images Digital image collection from the Wellcome Library, covering medical and social topics, past and present. View full description

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