Finding Books
Basic tips for finding books.
Searching for books
- Use the Omni library catalogue to look up print and electronic books
- Finding Books in Omni (tutorial)
- Search Omni and Laurier's eBook collections to find ebooks
- Finding Electronic Books (tutorial)
- For a more comprehensive search, identify more books using WorldCat (catalogues from thousands of libraries), book reviews, lists of references, or Google Book Search; then check Omni to locate the book titles.
Locating & requesting books
- Check the location
- Find the call number of the book and use it to find the location
- Waterloo campus call number locations are listed on the floor plans
- Brantford campus books are on the 1st floor of the Brantford Public Library
- Kitchener campus books are found in room FSW-012 of the Faculty of Social Work building
- To request books from other locations in Omni: click on the location, then on "Sign in to place a hold or recall"
- For items not in the Omni catalogue, request through Interlibrary Loan. For instructions, see Interlibrary Loan Borrowing: Using RACER (tutorial).