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Data and Statistics: Geospatial datasets

  • Scholars GeoPortal - a web-based tool to access geospatial datasets licensed by the library. Includes land-based vector data (water, cultural features, etc.), census geography, orthophotography, and more. Access to students, faculty and staff of Ontario Universities.

In addition to the data available through Scholars Geoportal, the library provides local access to the following datasets through license agreements with municipal, provincial, and private agencies:

  • City of Brantford: orthophotography and geodatabase files including road network, airport, schools, rivers, landuse, lakes, parks, community centres
  • City of Cambridge: municipal data provided in geodatabase format; includes address points, building footprints, road network, ward, contours, parks, trails, landuse, parcels, stream network, and zoning data
  • City of Kitchener: orthophotography from 2012 and 2013; municipal data provided includes address labels, bikeways, buildings, hydro corridors and towers, boundaries, parks, railways, road segments, surface water features, storm water features, trees, and zoning (2014)
  • DMTI Spatial: access to data files not available through Scholars Geoportal, including CanMap Address Points (2013-16), Content Suite (2015-16), Postal Code Suite (2013-16), and Streetfile and Route Logistics (2008-13)
  • Regional Municipality of Waterloo: orthoimagery from 2012 and 2014; municipal data in geodatabase format includes addresses, building permits, environmentally sentitive policy areas, greenbelts, roads, urban growth centres, settlements, wells, airports, transit, planned and existing roads, cycling, wetlands, wellhead protection areas, and more
  • Teranet Ontario Parcel Database: Province-wide parcel dataset; includes property boundaries and identifiers such as Assessment Roll Number (ARN) or property identification number (PIN), which can be linked to ownership report files.

For access to these resources, please contact Peter Genzinger.

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