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An outline of key services targeted to each of the groups the Library supports, including undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and alumni.
An overview of what the Laurier library offers to first-year undergraduate students transitioning to university, including comfy spaces, academic search tools, research help, and services for students with disabilities.
An overview of library services for undergraduate students that covers subject librarians, Omni (the Library search tool), borrowing services, study spaces, and getting help.
An overview of Library services available to graduate students that covers subject librarians, research support, borrowing services, study spaces, and getting help.
Library resources to support Faculty research and teaching.
Library services available to Laurier alumni.
Library services available to members of the community.
E-resource access for Laurier students who are part of a joint program with the University of Guelph or the University of Waterloo.
Library services for local high school students.
An overview of Library services available to Laurier staff.
An introduction to the Library and Library services for international students.
An overview of Library services available to students taking online courses or programs.