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ACE Tokens Explained

What is an ACE Token?

An ACE token is a code issued to people with print disabilities to use when requesting alternate formats or more accessible versions of Library materials.

How Do I Get One?

Tokens are available to people with print disabilities. If you are registered for accommodations at Laurier, get an ACE token from your Consultant at the Accessible Learning Centre (for students) or from Human Resources (for faculty and staff). If you have a print disability but are not registered at the ALC or with HR, contact the Library at

Tokens expire in 4 years or at graduation (for students), but tokens can be re-issued as long as you remain an active Laurier student, faculty, or staff.

More Information About ACE

ACE is a digitization service for print books shared among Ontario university libraries. Books have OCR done after scanning, and are kept in a shared online ACE repository. You can search for and download materials in the ACE repository with your ACE token. 

More information about ACE and the Library's other accessible format services can be found on the Accessible and Alternate Formats of Library Materials page.

Privacy and Confidentiality

All Laurier Library accessibility services are confidential. The Library Library requires an ACE token to verify your eligibility for alternate format materials under copyright law.

Requesting alternate format services using your ACE token will identify you to Library Accessibility Staff so they can process your request. Your identity will not be shared for any other purpose.

Your token number is used only for service delivery. Your token information is not kept in any of our Library systems, or associated in any way with your Library or university accounts.

If you have questions or concerns about privacy please contact

Page Owner: Joanne Oud

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