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Room Booking Help

March 6, 2025: A software bug is occasionally causing a disruption in the room booking service. 

  • Occasionally, when students registered with the Accessible Learning Centre try to book a room, they will be blocked and get a message "You are not eligible to book this resource".   
  • Alternative: Contact Library User Services at or 548-889-3766 to have the room booked manually. We expect to fixed the bug on May 1st, 2025.


If you are unable to book a room at the desired time, that may be because of one or more of several reasons including:

  • The building or required service desk isn't open at that time.
  • The room has already been booked by somebody else.
  • You are over your quota for the day. You are entitled to a certain maximum of time per day.

For help, contact Library User Services at or 548-889-3766.

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