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New books in the collection

A row of books on a shelf

A spotlight on some recently acquired physical and electronic books in the collection.

The following are new books added to the Laurier Library.  The lists will be updated monthly. The titles below are selections and not a full list of the new titles. (Updated Feb. 11/25)

New print books in the Laurier collection


A human rights view of the past.

A new philosophy of human rights : the deliberative account / Joshua J. Kassner.

Accompaniment with im/migrant communities : engaged ethnography / edited by Kristin E. Yarris and Whitney L. Duncan.

All things being equal : the genesis, costs, and aftermath of the USWNT's equal pay battle.

British Labour and Hitler's war / T.D. Burridge.

Brokering belonging : Chinese in Canada's exclusion era, 1885-1945 / Lisa Rose Mar.

Canadian environmental law / Alastair R. Lucas ; formerly by Robert T. Franson.

Canadian environmental law / Alastair R. Lucas ; formerly by Robert T. Franson.

Celebrating God's presence : a guide to Christian meditation / William E. Hulme.

China's aid, trade and investment to Africa : interaction and coordination / Wang Xinying.

Civil repair / Jeffrey C. Alexander.

Close encounters of the third kind / Dana Polan.


Deyohaha:ge: : sharing the river of life / Daniel Coleman, Ki'en Debicki, and Bonnie Freeman, editors.

Elaine May / Elizabeth Alsop.

Exodus / Julie Bertagna.

Flora of North America : north of Mexico / edited by Flora of North America Editorial Committee.

Hear our stories : campus sexual violence, intersectionality, and how we build a better university / Jessica C. Harris.

Introduction to leadership : concepts and practice / Peter G. Northouse, Western Michigan University.

Language and decolonisation : an interdisciplinary approach / edited by Finex Ndhlovu and Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni.

Live stock and dead things : the archaeology of zoopolitics between domestication and modernity / Hannah Chazin.

Melodrama and modernity : early sensational cinema and its contexts / Ben Singer.

Midnight cowboy / James Kendrick.

Multitudes : how crowds made the modern world / Dan Hancox.

Never lead alone : 10 shifts from leadership to teamship / Keith Ferrazzi ; with Paul Hill.

Nietzsche on the eternal recurrence / Neil Sinhababu, National University of Singapore.

Paranoid finance / Fabian Muniesa.

Peacocks of Instagram : stories / Deepa Rajagopalan.

Podcast studies : practice into theory / Lori Beckstead and Dario Llinares, editors.

Recovering our ancestral foodways : indigenous traditions as a recipe for living well / Mariaelena Huambachano.

Rethinking free speech / by Peter Ives.

Rumbles : a curious history of the gut, the secret story of the body's most fascinating organ / Elsa Richardson.

Same sun here / Silas House and Neela Vaswani.

Schooling the nation : the success of the Canterbury Academy for Black women / Jennifer Rycenga ; with a foreword by Kazimiera Kozlowski.

Seven deadly sins : the biology of being human / Guy Leschziner.

Silencing of a Laotian son : the life, work, and enforced disappearance of Sombath Somphone / Ng Shui Meng.

Soundin' Canaan : Black Canadian poetry, music, and citizenship / Paul db Watkins.

Start with who : how small to medium businesses can win big with trust and a story.

Strategic planning for academic libraries : a step-by-step guide / Gregory C. Thompson, Harish Maringanti, Rick Anderson, Catherine B. Soehner and Alberta Comer.

The anti-racist media manifesto / Anamik Saha, Francesca Sobande, Gavan Titley.

The Canadian Charter of Rights : annotated / Editorial Board : John B. Laskin, Edward L. Greenspan, J. Bruce Dunlop ; consulting editor : Horace Krever.

The cinema of extractions : film materials and their forms / Brian Jacobson.

The craft of research / Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup, William T. FitzGerald.

The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John / calligfaphy and illustrations by Jane Sullivan.

The joy of winter hiking : inspiration and guidance for cold weather adventures / Derek Dellinger.

The line : AI and the future of personhood / James Boyle.

The petro-state masquerade : oil, sovereignty, and power in Trinidad and Tobago / Ryan Cecil Jobson.

The polycentric republic : a theory of civil order for free and diverse societies / David Thunder.

There is violence and there is righteous violence and there is death or, The born-again crow / Caleigh Crow.

Toward a cosmic theology : Christian revelation in a vast universe / Thomas F. O'Meara, OP.

United Nations secretaries general : a bibliography with indexes / P.J. Kelly.

Unsettling difference : music drama, the Bible, and the critique of German Jewish identity / Adi Nester.

Womanism rising / edited by Layli Maparyan.

Women in power : classical myths and stories, from the Amazons to Cleopatra / edited by Stephanie McCarter.


New electronic books in the Laurier collection

A queer praxis for criminological research : a manifesto of an activist scholar / April Carrillo.

A Research Agenda for Intellectual Property Law and Gender / Jessica C. Lai and Kathy Bowrey, editors.

Advanced bioseparation of industrial wastes : sustainable recovery of high-value metal ions / edited by Jayato Nayak, Sankha Chakrabortty, Suraj K. Tripathy, and Maulin P. Shah.

Aging : How Aging Works, How We Reverse Aging, and Prospects for Curing Aging Diseases / Michael Fossel, editors.

Air Quality : Science, Impacts, and Management / Ranjeet S. Sokhi.

An Invitation to Fractal Geometry : Fractal Dimensions, Self-Similarity, and Fractal Curves / Michel L. Lapidus, Goran Radunović.

Anthropological archaeology underwater / Ashley Lemke.

Anti-oppressive psychotherapeutic practice : finding liberation through unlearning / Florie St. Aime.

Applied Affective Computing / Leimin Tian, Sharon Oviatt, Michal Muszynski, Brent C. Chamberlain, Jennifer Healey, Akane Sano.

Asymmetric Power Relations and International Trade Law : A Legal Analysis of Economic Partnership Agreements / Inebu C. Agbo-Ejeh.

Automorphisms of Graph Products of Groups and Acylindrical Hyperbolicity / Anthony Genevois.

Becoming a woman : Simone de Beauvoir and the politics of trans existence / Megan Burke

Beyond the search engine : design of the online search experience / Liese Zahabi.

Blind spots : when medicine gets it wrong, and what it means for our health / Marty Makary, MD

Bloom across Canada : 50 inspiring conversations / Beka Shane Denter ; foreword by Lydia Okello.

Building a God : the ethics of artificial intelligence and the race to control it / Christopher DiCarlo.

Canonical misogyny : Shakespeare and dramaturgies of sexual violence / Nora J. Williams.

Center and periphery : twenty-first-century literature, cinema, media from Spain / edited by Amparo Alpañés.

Children in new religious movements / Sanja Nilsson, Dalarna University.

Complexity and entrepreneurship : complexity research and its implications on entrepreneurship processes / Andreas Liening.

Creole religions of the Caribbean : an introduction : from Vodou and Santería to Obeah and Espiritismo / Margarite Fernández Olmos, Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert ; foreword by Joseph M. Murphy.

Crime fiction in the age of #MeToo / Charlotte Beyer.

Criticizing Science : Stephen Jay Gould and the Struggle for American Democracy / Myrna Perez.

Digital health : exploring use and integration of wearables / edited by Alan Godfrey, Sam Stuart.

Distributed Artificial Intelligence for 5G/6G Communications : Frameworks with Machine Learning / Iacovos Ioannou, Prabagarane Nagaradjane,Vasos Vassiliou, Christophoros Christophorou,and Andreas Pitsillides.

Dracula [electronic resource] / Bram Stoker ; edited by Glennis Byron.

Drag As Marketplace : Contemporary Cultures, Identities and Business / Mikko Laamanen [and four others], editors.

Early academic periodical translation : English't out of the French, 1665-1700 / David Banks.

Eating and being : a history of ideas about our food and ourselves / Steven Shapin.

Economy and Interest : A New Presentation of the Fundamental Problems Related to the Economic Role of the Rate of Interest and Their Solutions / Maurice Allais ; translated by John Stephen Daly ; preface to the American edition by Bernard Munier.

Effective Writing for Healthcare Professionals : A Pocket Guide to Getting Published / Megan-Jane Johnstone.

Embodying normalcy : women's work in neoliberal times / Lucia Soriano.

Emotions and affect in human factors and human-computer interaction / edited by Myounghoon Jeon.

Enhancing organizational effectiveness through knowledge management and transformational leadership / Battogtokh Dorjgotov.

Entitled Opinions : Doxa after Digitality / Caddie Alford.

Epigenetics in human disease / edited by Trygve O. Tollefsbol.

Ethnography and virtual worlds : a handbook of method / Tom Boellstorff [and three others].

Ethnography and Virtual Worlds : A Handbook of Method, Updated Edition / Tom Boellstorff, Bonnie Nardi, Celia Pearce, T.L. Taylor ; Foreword by George Marcus.

Evolutionary physiology of algae and aquatic plants / edited by Mario Giordano, John Beardall, John A. Raven, Stephen C. Maberly.

Facing suicide : understanding why people kill themselves and how we can stop them / James Barrat.

Feminist and Anti-Psychiatry Perspectives on ‘Social Anxiety Disorder’ : The Socially Anxious Woman / Katie Masters.

Fierce resilience : combatting workplace stress one conversation at a time / Edward Beltran.

Film history and screen culture in and beyond greater China / edited by Lin Feng.

Gamification and industry 4.0 : gamified smart manufacturing / Lars Konzack.

General Post-Newtonian Orbital Effects : From Earth's Satellites to the Galactic Centre / Lorenzo Iorio.

Good intentions in global health : medical missions, emotion, and health care across borders / Nicole S. Berry.

Governing forests : state, law and citizenship in India's forests / Arpitha Kodiveri.

Graph coloring : From games to deterministic and quantum approaches / Maurice Clerc.

Graphic Medicine, Humanizing Healthcare and Novel Approaches in Anatomical Education / edited by Leonard Shapiro.

Growth : A History and a Reckoning / Daniel Susskind.

Handbook of Gun Violence / edited by Nicholas D. Thomson.

Hands-On Generative AI with Transformers and Diffusion Models.

Hate speech / Janet B. Ruscher.

Herding Immunity : The Startling History of Life Before and after Vaccines / Stacy Mintzer Herlihy.

Hoof Beats : How Horses Shaped Human History / William T. Taylor.

Hubs of Illicit Trade in the Global Economy / Edited by Yulia Krylova.

Human emergence and our place in the natural world / David Sprintzen.

Human first, leader second : how self-compassion outperforms self-criticism / Massimo Backus.

Hypertranslation / Ma Carmen África Vidal Claramonte, Tong King Lee.

Identity and belonging among Chinese Canadian youth : racialized habitus in school, family, and media / Dan Cui.

Illegalized : Undocumented Youth Movements in the United States / Rafael A. Martínez.

Immersive Journalism : Virtual Reality and the Future of the News Industry / Tomás Dodds [and nine others].

In fraud we trust : how leaders in politics, business, and media profit from lies-and how to stop them / Wes Henricksen.

In the Land of the Unreal : Virtual and Other Realities in Los Angeles / Lisa Messeri.

Indigenous peoples and globalization : resistance and revitalization / Thomas D. Hall and James V. Fenelon.

Indigenous Voices in Digital Spaces / Cindy Tekobbe.

Infrastructure in video games / Daniel Punday.

Inheritance : The Evolutionary Origins of the Modern World / Harvey Whitehouse.

International Aging : Understanding the Diverse Experiences of Growing Old / Jason L. Powell.

Invisible Jesus : A Book about Leaving the Church and Looking for Christ / Scot McKnight and Tommy Preson Phillips.

Isabelle Huppert, modernist performance / Florence Jacobowitz.

Justice, Indigenous Peoples, and Canada : a history of courage and resilience / edited by Kathryn M. Campbell and Stephanie Wellman.

Landscapes of the imagination / Gerald C. Cupchik.

Law and Film : Critical Reflections on a Field in Motion / edited by Vittoria Becci, Alexia Katsiginis, and Edward Van Daalen.

Leading outside your comfort zone : the surprising psychology of resilience, growth, and well-being / D. Christopher Kayes.

Learning to play again : rediscovering our early selves to become better adults / Kathryn Smerling, PhD, LCSW.

Magic and illusion in the movies / George Higham.

Mapping Behavioral Public Policy : Citizens' Preferences and Trust / Paolo Belardinelli.

Marginal Paris : Representing the Shadows of the City of Light / edited by Aurélie Van de Wiele, Carole Salmon.

Measure and integral : theory and practice / John Srdjan Petrovic.

Medieval Twitter / by Alicia Spencer-Hall.

Merging Clinical Social Work Practice and Antiracist Positioning : How to be a Clinically Sound, Antiracist Social Work Practitioner / Wendy Ashley [editor].

Metabolomics : a path towards personalized medicine / edited by Mahbuba Rahman.

Microplastics : Origins, Risks, and Mitigation / edited by Baljinder Singh and Santosh Kumar Upadhyay.

Mindmasters : the data-driven science of predicting and changing human behavior / Sandra Matz.

Modern business analytics : increasing the value of your data with Python and R / Deanne Larson.

Monetary Policy Implementation : Exploring the 'New Normal' in Central Banking / Angelo Baglioni.

Multi-Criteria Decision-Making and Optimum Design with Machine Learning : A Practical Guide / Edited by Van Thanh Tien Nguyen, Nhut T.M. Vo, Van Chinh Truong, and Van-Thuc Nguyen.

Nature in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Times : Exploration of a Critical Relationship / Edited by Albrecht Classen.

Navigating Higher Rates, Volatility, and Liquidity Crises : Finance and Regulation in the New Monetary Order / edited by Andreas Dombret, Patrick S. Kenadjian.

Negotiation : the game has changed / Max H. Bazerman.

Nietzsche pursued : toward a philosophy for the future / Richard Schacht.

Non-Western responses to terrorism / edited by Michael J. Boyle.

Nongenetic information and evolution / Nelson R. Cabej.

On the run : fugitive life in an American city / Alice Goffman.

Online Sexual Offending : Theory, Practice, and Policy / Michael C. Seto.

Party of conscience : the CCF, the NDP, and social democracy in Canada / edited by Roberta Lexier, Stephanie Bangarth, and Jon Weier..

Peace by Peace : Risking Public Action, Creating Social Change / Lisa Ellen Silvestri.

Perspectives on Evidence-Based Policy in Human Services / edited by Michael J. Maranda and Miranda J. Lee-Easton.

Platform ambitions of brands : a scale development and empirical investigation for manufacturer brands / Ole Gardewin.

Policing and social media : social control in an era of digital media / Christopher J. Schneider and David L. Altheide.

Policing white supremacy : the enemy within / Michael German with Beh Zasloff..

Power metal : the race for the resources that will shape the future / Vince Beiser.

Prisons of creativity : artistic innovation during incarceration / John R. Whitman.

Privacy in vehicular networks : challenges and solutions / Baihe Ma, Xu Wang, Wei Ni, and Ren Ping Liu.

Probability theory, an analytic view / Daniel W. Stroock, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Queer Encounters with International Law : Lives, Communities, Subjectivities / Edited by Tamsin Phillipa Paige and Claerwen O'Hara.

Queering the Pulpit : A Sexegetical Approach to Preaching an Inclusive Word / Karyn L. Wiseman.

Refusals and Reflections : Teaching and Learning Social Justice in Qualitative Research / edited by Stephanie Anne Shelton, Erica T. Campbell.

Reimagining Poverty Through Social Contextual Analyses : Finding New Ways to Understand 'Getting By' / Eden Thain.

Relational scholarship with indigenous communities : confronting settler colonial social studies / edited by Christine Rogers Stanton, Cynthia Benally, Brad Hall.

Religion matters : what sociology teaches us about religion / William A Mirola, Michael O Emerson and Sue C. Monahan.

Reporting sexual violence and #MeToo in Asia : the view from Hong Kong, mainland China, and Taiwan / Luwei Rose Luqiu.

Representations of Refugees, Migrants, and Displaced People As The 'Other' / Rui Alexandre Novais, Carlos Arcila Calderón, editors.

Research design and statistical analysis / Caren M. Rotello, Jerome L. Myers, Arnold D. Well and Robert F. Lorch, Jr.

Resilient Futures : System Dynamics, Tech Innovations, and Climate Resilience / Hassan Qudrat-Ullah.

Restitution of cultural property and the law : complex colonial histories / Christa Roodt.

Revitalizing Health Through Humanities : Foregrounding Unheard Trends / edited by L. Santhosh Kumar, Barnashree Khasnobis, and Sreedevi Santhosh.

Rich world, poor world : the struggle to escape poverty / Ali A. Allawi.

Silenced voices and the media : who gets to speak? / Edited by James Morrison, Sarah Pedersen, editors

Societal deception : global social issues in post-truth times / Geoffrey Lawrence.

Spatial literacy in public health : faculty-librarian teaching collaborations / edited by Laureen P. Cantwell-Jurkovic and Tammy Parece.

Spectral and spectral element methods for fractional ordinary and partial differential equations / Mohsen Zayernouri, Li-Lian Wang, Jie Shen, George Em Karniadakis.

Spread the Fed : distributed central banking for productive-republican finance / Robert C. Hockett.

Statistical analysis : the basics / Christer Thrane.

Statistical Aspects of Community Health and Nutrition / Dr. A.K. Nigam.

Substance Use in Older Adults Edited by Art Walaszek, M.D.

Teaching in the anthropocene : education in the face of environmental crisis / edited by Dr. Alysha Farrell, Dr. Candy Skyhar, and Dr. Michelle Lam.

The anxious generation : how the great rewiring of childhood is causing an epidemic of mental illness / Jonathan Haidt.

The art of game design : a book of lenses / Jesse Schell.

The art of randomness : randomized algorithms in the real world / by Ronald T. Kneusel.

The Cambridge encyclopedia of child development / edited by Brian Hopkins, Lancaster University, Elena Geangu, Lancaster University, Sally Linkenauger, Lancaster University.

The common pot : the recovery of native space in the Northeast / Lisa Brooks.

The construction of public opinion in a digital age / Catherine Happer.

The Ethics of Precision Medicine : The Problems of Prevention in Healthcare / Paul Scherz.

The Existential Toolkit for Climate Justice Educators : How to Teach in a Burning World / Edited by Jennifer Atkinson and Sarah Jaquette Ray.

The Financial Restructuring Tool Set : How to Fix Your Broken Balance Sheet / Mike Harmon.

The Future of Youth Violence Prevention : A Mixtape for Practice, Policy, and Research / edited by Paul Boxer and Raphael Travis.

The Gaze of the X-Ray : An Archive of Violence / Shahram Khosravi (ed.).

The Harvard Business Review Sales Management Handbook [electronic resource] : How to Lead High-Performing Sales Teams.

The Holocaust and the Nakba : A New Grammar of Trauma and History / edited by Bashir Bashir and Amos Goldberg.

The Invention of Good and Evil : A World History of Morality / Hanno Sauer ; translated by Jo Heinrich.

The language of mathematics : the stories behind the symbols / Raúl Rojas ; translated by Eduardo Aparicio.

The Literary Taylor Swift : Songwriting and Intertextuality / edited by Betsy Winakur Tontiplaphol and Anastasia Klimchynskaya.

The metamodern slasher film Steve Jones

The Monks of the Nag Hammadi Codices : Contextualising a Fourth-Century Monastic Community / Paula Tutty.

The mysterious case of the Victorian female detective / Sara Lodge.

The Non-uniform Riemann Approach To Stochastic Integration / Varayu Boonpogkrong, Tuan Seng Chew, Tin Lam Toh.

The other side of cannabis : impact on mental and physical health / edited by Richard Balon, M.D., Mary K. Morreale, M.D.

The Oxford handbook of the philosophy of punishment / edited by Jesper Ryberg.

The politics of silence, voice and the in-between : exploring gender, race and insecurity from the margins / edited by Aliya Khalid, Georgina Holmes and Jane L. Parpart.

The potential for anthropology and urban community engagement : lessons learned from twenty-five years in Milwaukee / Jill Florence Lackey and Rick Petrie.

The Protection of Civilians in Peacekeeping Operations : A Legal Obligation / Tamer Morris.

The Psychology and Neuroscience of Impulsivity / Yuliya Richard and Ahmed Moustafa, editors.

The relationship is the project : a guide to working with communities / edited by Jade Lillie and Kate Larsen with Cara Kirkwood and Jax Brown.

The Resurgence of Inflation : Lessons from History and Policy Recommendations / Michael Heine, Hansjörg Herr.

The Right to Oblivion : Privacy and the Good Life / Lowry Pressly.

The Routledge Companion to Libraries, Archives, and the Digital Humanities / Edited by Isabel Galina Russell and Glen Layne-Worthey.

The Routledge Handbook of Heritage and the Law / edited by Lucas Lixinski and Lucie K. Morisset.

The Routledge International Handbook of Intersectionality Studies / edited by Kathy Davis and Helma Lutz.

The science of superwomen : an evolution from Wonder Woman to WandaVision / Mark Brake.

The shaping of Israeli identity : myth, memory and trauma / edited by Robert Wistrich and David Ohana.

The states of the Earth : an ecological and racial history of secularization / Mohamed Amer Meziane ; translated by Jonathan Adjemian.

The sun we share : our star in popular media and science / Kristine Larsen.

The tech coup : how to save democracy from Silicon Valley / Marietje Schaake.

The tracks we leave : ethics and management dilemmas in healthcare / Frankie Perry.

The war against women / Rita Segato ; translated by Ramsey McGlazer.

This changes everything : capitalism vs. the climate / Naomi Klein.

Transnational management : text and cases in cross-border management / Christopher A. Bartlett and Paul W. Beamish.

Trauma and the mediated self : contemporary life writing across media / Loredana Bercuci.

True crime and women : writers, readers, and representations / edited by Lili Pâquet and Rosemary Williamson.

Uncovering Islamophobia in Higher Education : Supporting the Success of Muslim Students and Staff / Arif Mahmud, Maisha Islam, editors.

Wanted, more than human intellectual property : animal authors and human machines / Johanna Gibson.

Wavelet Theory Approach To Pattern Recognition / Yuan Yan Tang and Lixiang Xu.

Wealth and climate competitiveness : the new narrative on business and society / Bruce Piasecki.

When the pine needles fall : Indigenous acts of resistance / Katsi'tsakwas Ellen Gabriel ; with Sean Carleton.

Who Runs the World? : Girls, Leadership, and Women in the Public Eye / Michele Paule and Hannah Yelin.

Why are we here? : creating a work culture everyone wants / Jennifer Moss.

Women of the fur trade / Frances Koncan.

Women's Transborder Cinema : Authorship, Stardom, and Filmic Labor in South Asia / Esha Niyogi De.

Wronged : The Weaponization of Victimhood / Lilie Chouliaraki.


Page Owner: Charlotte Innerd

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