Film History to 1950
Course Number: FS240
Subject: Film Studies
This guide accompanies an in-class workshop about doing research for the Nickelodeon Assignment.
OBJECTIVE: learn how to search an online archive to find primary sources you can use as evidence.
Secondary Research
- Secondary research = engaging with sources of existing research on a topic.
- E.g. Nickelodeon City (2008)
Your Secondary Research Process
- You'll find a list of secondary sources in FS240 course readings.
- This is your first step - background research to learn about the subject.
- Start by reading 1 or 2 book chapters and/or articles that sound good.
- Search within sources by using:
- the table of contents
- the index
- the search function (ebooks)
- ctrl + F (PDFs)
Primary Research
- Primary research = engaging with sources that get you close to contemporary information on a topic.
- E.g. Moving Picture World (1907-1927)
Your Primary Research Process
- Be sure to leave lots of time for this research.
- You'll need to skim, dive, surface as you explore issues of journals and magazines.
- Get your bearings a bit by flipping through an issue to see what's inside.
- Take notes as you go:
- Keep track of examples as you find them.
- Collect keywords and try some targeted searching.
- Keep a document listing links to potential sources so you don't lose them.
Where to Search
A free online resource featuring millions of pages of books and magazines from the histories of film, broadcasting, and recorded sound.
Access film industry trade journals:
- Moving Picture World
- The Nickelodeon
- Motion Picture News
- Variety
Search Tips
- Search the Early Cinema Collection using advanced search.
- Add the publisher to search a particular source (e.g. Variety).
- Use "quotation marks" to keep words together (e.g. "piano organ").
- Use a +plus sign before a word to make it required (e.g. +vivaphone)
A non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
- Motion Picture Making and Exhibiting (1914)
- Motion Picture Handbook: A Guide for Managers and Operators of Motion Picture Theatres (1916)
- Exterior and Interior Ornamentation in Plaster, Composition & Cement for the Motion Picture Theatre (1913)
- Handbook for Motion Picture and Stereopticon Operators (1908)
- Opening and Operating a Motion Picture Theatre. How It Is Done Successfully (1912)
You can find running lengths for some films in IMDb.
I want to draw audiences in for the holidays, and am wondering if I should invest in Deagan chimes. What are some things I should consider?
Let's get 3 ideas from 3 different sources into our FS240 shared Google Doc!
Search for ideas in:
- MHDL advanced search (for primary research)
- Music and Sound in Silent Film: From The Nickelodeon to The Artist (for secondary research)