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Copyright quick guide

Print course readings (reserves)


General dos

  • Original items (books, print journals, etc.)
  • Lecture notes or sample questions
  • Your own personal copies

General don'ts

Online course readings (Ares)


General dos

  • Electronic resources, accessible through existing licences (e.g. library licences)
  • Scan original items covered by Access Copyright - done in the Library

General don'ts

Classroom handouts

General dos

  • Project the article onto a screen in class, or copy onto a board, flip chart or similar surface
  • Provide the source for what you are copying
  • Consider using online course reserves
  • Printing Services will ensure that all print materials intended as handouts for in-class distribution comply with copyright

General don'ts

  • Do not copy letters to the editor or newspaper advertisements without permission
  • Do not assume that you are permitted to reproduce materials obtained through logins or secure credentials
  • Do not change a work in any way while copying
  • Do not distribute your own work unless you are still the copyright holder
  • Do not distribute without having the rights of the author(s) or similar permission

General dos

  • Check the terms of use for the image
  • Use images with a Creative Commons licence e.g., many Flickr images (but not all)

General don'ts

  • Do not use images from a Google image search without confirming permission from the copyright holder

General dos

  • Provide a link to the material
  • Check with the website's term of use
  • Look for a Creative Commons Licence

General don'ts

  • Do not copy for class distribution without confirming permission from the copyright holder

General dos

  • Media in the Library's collection can be shown unless otherwise indicated
  • Show only legitimate copies that have public performance rights (when amendments to Copyright Act are enacted, this will change)
  • The Library has two blanket licenses (ACF and Criterion) - check with to see if the film is covered
  • Show streamed video's accessed from library databases
  • News items can be shown to students for educational purposes within 30 days of being aired
  • Check terms of use for online videos

General don'ts

  • Do not make your own copy to show in class (e.g., saving onto a USB drive)
  • Do not show videos/DVDs taped at home (movies taped from your television or other sources are for private home viewing only)

General dos

  • Playing of a sound recording on the premises of the educational institution "for educational or training purposes and not for profit, before an audience consisting primarily of students of the institution"

General don'ts

  • Do not distribute music acquired online for personal use (e.g., iTunes)
  • Do not make copies for students (e.g., sheet music)

Page Owner: Debbie Chaves

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