Teaching Supports
Services to support faculty and graduate student teaching, including student research skills instruction, copyright, video booking, and open education resources.
The Library Instruction Program focuses on enhancing research abilities to support academic success. Librarians work with faculty to integrate library literacies into curricula at course and program levels.
The library offers a digital pedagogy partnership program that assists faculty in integrating digital humanities into course curriculum. This program enhances students’ technological and information proficiency and supports new approaches to pedagogy.
Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that reside in the public domain and/or have been released under an open license. As a result, these resources (both physical and digital) are available at no cost and have minimal restrictions for use and redistribution.
Questions? email libreserves@wlu.ca
Wilfrid Laurier University has digital textbook access through the Hawk Shop. See Digital Textbook Access for details.
The library provides copyright services to support the teaching function, including for Print on Demand, digital conversation, print/electronic course packs and scanning services.
The library can put your the course reading materials on virtual course reserves that can be integrated into your online class.