Individual Study Carrels (Desks)
Study carrels are individual study desks often found in university libraries. This page describes study carrels and reminders when using them.
About Study Carrels
- Study carrels are individual study desks, usually side by side with other desks
- The desks are separated from each other by privacy partitions
- They are available in various reading areas of the library
- Table top: 34.5 inches by 24 inches
- Privacy partition: 24 inches high
- Desktop: 30 inches above floor
- Some study carrels have drawers
Using Study Carrels
- Carrels may not be held over meal hours or while attending lectures
- Library materials left at the carrels will be reshelved
- Please do not leave your belongings unattended as thefts have occurred in the past.
- Drinks in covered containers and cold food may be consumed at the carrels
- Hot food is not permitted
- Use the bins provided for wrappers and leftovers
- Persons who misuse the carrels will be asked to leave the building