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Laurier Centre for the Study of Canada

Meeting room with long desk surrounded by chairs. Bookshelves filled with books along the room walls

The Student Health and Development Centre provides audiovisual and print resources to support students' health, development, and academic success.

The Laurier Centre for the Study of Canada aims to be a leading research centre focused on the interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and comparative study of the Canadian experience. It includes a collection of books (the Robert Vogel Library) which is focused on Canadian Military History. Items are available through the Omni search tool. Anyone is welcome to come to the Centre to use the materials on site.


Please refer to Laurier Centre for the Study of Canada website for more information.

Public Transit

The Laurier Centre for the Study of Canada is located along the 7 Mainline bus route at the King/University stop. Please visit the Grand River Transit website for schedules and route information.


Parking is available behind the building, just south of University along King street. Please visit Laurier's Parking and Transportation Resources page for parking lot fees and locations.

Page Owner: Mark Weiler

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