Data Management Plans 101
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Online: Link emailed to participants
Data management plans (DMPs) are documents that help researchers identify and implement their data management needs during the life of their research program. DMPs cover topics like storage, access, description/metadata, backups, sensitivity, and more. Since 2021, the Tri-Agencies have required that DMPs or data management methodologies be included in all grant applications.
This webinar will introduce the Library's data management planning service and our free webtool, the DMP Assistant. We will feature our streamlined Funding Opportunity DMP template, to be used by researchers who are in the initial stages of their grant application. The Funding Opportunity template covers 5 core areas:
- Ethics, Legal, and Commercial Issues​
- Data Collection​
- Data Documentation​
- Data Storage and Access​
- Data Archiving and Disposition​
This webinar will benefit faculty, grad students, staff, and technicians, especially if you are in the middle of planning a new grant application. Grad students are especially welcomed to this webinar given the benefits that data management planning brings to thesis preparation and fieldwork!
For more information, contact