Library Strategic Action Plan
As part of Laurier's Strategic Academic Plan (SAP), the Library developed a Strategic Action Plan that fits within the broader Academic Plan.
In alignment with the University’s Strategic Academic Plan, the Library has developed the following Action Plan based on internal planning exercises and stakeholder input. The Action Plan will guide strategically important initiatives for the Library for five years (2023-2028) which function with the Strategic Academic Plan to achieve the University’s academic goals and contribute to the Laurier Strategy. The Library’s strategic objectives are sub-objectives that fall under the specific Goals and Objectives of the Strategic Academic Plan as outlined below. The Library will develop an annual operational planning framework to guide objectives related to specific projects and in support of institutional and unit-level plans.
Strategic Framework
To achieve the objectives of the Library’s Action Plan, the Library is grounded in and guided by its Mission and Values.
[Mission and Values Statement – will be developed through parallel process to Library Action Plan.]
Library Action Plan Objectives:
The Library's Objectives are shown with the goals of the University’s Strategic Academic Plan,
Goal 1: Advancing Transformative Education
1.1 Laurier will provide academic programming that offers students a transformative education that prepares them to thrive.
Library Action Plan Objective 1:
The Library will play a central role in education and promotion of open educational resources (OER), assisting faculty in finding discipline-specific OERs, and providing assistance in their adoption, creation and dissemination for students.
Library Action Plan Objective 2:
Working with campus and consortia partners, the Library will experiment and develop new technology enabled services leveraging generative AI and machine learning.
Library Action Plan Objective 3:
The Library will engage and support faculty and students through advancing digital scholarship and pedagogy in developing new ways to conduct, support and disseminate research.
1.2 Laurier will offer academic programming that meets the needs of a diverse student body through a variety of pedagogically informed modes of teaching and program delivery.
1.3 Laurier will attract and admit students who have the potential to succeed at Laurier but who may not have the traditional high school markers associated with university-level success.
1.4 Laurier will proactively support students in achieving academic success while maintaining high academic standards.
Library Action Plan Objective 4:
The Library will deepen and expand its support for online learning, providing enhanced online user support services (virtual reference, development of digital learning objects) to support student success.
Library Action Plan Objective 5:
Universality of access – the Library will strive to ensure services and materials are delivered in a manner which ensures equity of access and experience for all users in compliance with applicable accessibility standards and best practices.
Library Action Plan Objective 6:
The Library will improve the user experience through user-centred approaches to the design, planning, and delivery of projects, programs and services, including seeking input, building awareness, and responding to the needs of our community.
Library Action Plan Objective 7:
The Library will adopt new technologies to further innovation in core services, including resource sharing, online course readings support, digital asset management and development of digital scholarship services and outputs.
1.5 Laurier will purposefully expand existing efforts to decolonize the curriculum.
Library Action Plan Objective 8:
In consultation with the Office of Indigenous Initiatives and community and external partners, the Library will examine its spaces and its role in knowledge dissemination through the lens of decolonization to advance meaningful change.
Goal 2: Thriving Comprehensive University
2.1 Laurier will recognize, value, and support the contributions and impact of the diverse talent, experiences and endeavours of our campus community in each of the interrelated elements of a comprehensive university: research, teaching and service.
2.2 Laurier will strategically grow the diversity and capacity of our professional and research-based graduate programs.
Library Action Plan Objective 9:
The Library will harness new modes of building collections of digital resources that ensure support for teaching and research programs while maximizing value, sustainability, and open access dissemination of knowledge.
Library Action Plan Objective 10:
The Library will enhance and expand research-focused services to support Laurier students and faculty throughout the research life cycle.
Library Action Plan Objective 11:
The Library will develop physical spaces optimized for digital research with dedicated areas for digitization, research data services, media creation and collaboration as well as other digital humanities and digital scholarship applications.
2.3 Laurier will foster an appreciation and passion for research in our undergraduate students.
Library Action Plan Objective 12:
The Library will develop critical thinking, library literacies, and research skills through student engagement and partnerships in teaching to support student retention.
Goal 3: Communities Integrated into a Vibrant Whole
3.1 Laurier will continue to develop and mature as a vibrant, multicampus institution.
Library Action Plan Objective 13:
The Library will plan, develop, and build innovative and scalable Library spaces and services to support our users at the Brantford and Milton campuses within a multi-campus framework.
3.2 Laurier will foster interdisciplinarity across programs, departments, faculties, and campuses.
3.3 Laurier will continue to foster relationships with our external communities, including fellow postsecondary institutions, Indigenous nations, alumni, community partners and employers.
Library Action Plan Objective 14:
The Library will further develop its cultural, creative, and publishing focused programming, providing a venue for cultural engagement and expression, research creation and dissemination, creative making and exploration which will serve to build strong partnerships across the campus, alumni, and the broader community outside of Laurier.