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CBCA Complete see Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database
CBCA Complete: Business see Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database: Business
CBCA Database see Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database
Central and Eastern European Online Library Citations for articles, electronic books and documents about Central and Eastern Europe. View full description
CFRI see Canadian Foreign Relations Index
CHA see Canadian Historical Association: Register of Dissertations
ChemSpider A free service that provides structure-based chemistry information. View full description
Child development abstracts and bibliography Print index for articles, books and other materials. View full description
Child Welfare Information Gateway Links to information and publications for the well-being of children and families. View full description
CIAO: Columbia International Affairs Online Comprehensive source for theory and research in international affairs. View full description
CIGI : Canadian Foreign Relations Index see Canadian Foreign Relations Index
CIJE (via EBSCOhost) see ERIC (via EBSCOhost)
CIJE (via ProQuest) see ERIC (via ProQuest)
CIJE (via US DoE) see ERIC (via US Department of Education)
CINAHL with Full Text Index for nursing and allied health literature including full text for some content. View full description
CiteSeer: Scientific Literature Digital Library Covers literature in computer and information science. View full description
Clinical Queries in PubMed see PubMed Clinical Queries
CMMC see Communication & Mass Media Complete
Cochrane Library Collection of seven databases with information on the effects of intervention and prevention in health care. View full description
COLD Database Citations to journals, books, technical reports and conference proceedings View full description
Columbia International Affairs Online see CIAO: Columbia International Affairs Online
Communication & Mass Media Complete Includes several hundred journals. Can limit to scholarly titles. View full description
Communication Studies @ EBSCOhost Selected EBSCOhost databases for Communication Studies. View full description
Communication Studies @ ProQuest Selected ProQuest databases for Communication Studies. View full description
Community Music @ EBSCOhost Selected EBSCOhost databases for Community Music. View full description
Community Music @ ProQuest Selected ProQuest databases for Community Music. View full description
Conference Proceedings Citation Index see Web of Science Core Collection
Congressional Quarterly Magazine see CQ Magazine
Congressional Quarterly Researcher see CQ Researcher
Congressional Quarterly Weekly see CQ Magazine
CPI.Q Index for Canadian academic journals and popular magazines View full description
CQ Magazine Reports on activities of the U.S. Congress. View full description
CQ Researcher Reports on political and social issues. View full description
CQ Weekly see CQ Magazine
CRI see Canadian Research Index
Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text Covers journal articles, books, reports, dissertations and unpublished papers. View full description
Cultural Analysis and Social Theory @ ProQuest Selected ProQuest databases for Cultural Analysis and Social Theory (CAST). View full description
Cultural Studies @ ProQuest Major starting point to search for Cultural Studies articles. View full description
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature see CINAHL with Full Text
Current Chemical Reactions see Web of Science Core Collection
Current Contents Connect see Web of Science
Current Index to Journals in Education (via EBSCOhost) see ERIC (via EBSCOhost)
Current Index to Journals in Education (via ProQuest) see ERIC (via ProQuest)
Current Index to Journals in Education (via US DoE) see ERIC (via US Department of Education)
DART Citations for journal articles and conference proceedings on teratology and other aspects of developmental toxicology. View full description
Data Citation Index see Web of Science: Data Citation Index
Database on national parliaments see Parline
Derwent Innovations Index see Web of Science
Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Database (DART) see DART
Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online Historical, biographical dictionary with scholarly articles on thousands of individuals. View full description

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